Grandfather is not well. Grandmother, Jamshid and Farzane go to the mountains to get firewood ek iş

Grandfather is not well. Grandmother, Jamshid and Farzane go to the mountains to get firewood ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

70112 Kişi Okudu – 6718 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

Introduction: In the heart of rugged mountains, there is a unique and flexible society called nomadic families. Known as Bedouins, these families live deeply with nature and their ancestral roots. The sign of their existence is coexistence with the environment, customs and above all their unbreakable tribal bond. Maybe you all have seen the most popular video on PLERD channel. The second woman came home and Tayyaba, a brave and devoted woman, went to an unknown place with her children. Grandma’s family was very friendly and kind. After the arrival of the second wife, the family fell apart. The grandmother of the family found the taxi driver but they asked him a lot of money to show them the place which was not enough for the grandmother’s family. With the help of the operator, the grandmother was able to find the grocery store that Tayyaba was shopping at, but unfortunately the clerk told the grandmother that they only came to my store to buy and that she did not know anything else about them. The grandmother gave Jamshid’s contact number to the seller so that he would inform the grandmother’s family the next time Tayyaba came to the shop to buy. We have not yet received information about Tayyaba from the seller. The grandmother does not stop looking for Tayyaba and her children. Now we know that Ghadir, Tayyaba’s husband, was arrested and sent to prison for not paying Tayyaba’s dowry. and asked his family for help. And Hashem supported Tayyaba’s husband Ghadir and had a disagreement with his family and left the house in sorrow. Ghadir called Hatem from prison and said that if no action is taken to release him, he will complain to the family about his father’s inheritance. For this reason, Hashim temporarily released Ghadeer from prison and Ghadeer came to his father to receive his share of the inheritance. And he said, I want my share, and now the father gave the deed of the house to Hashim to sell. But Hatem took the house deed from Hashem and did not let him sell the house. Now the family was worried about the future, whether Ghadir would complain about his father or not. Suddenly, Jamshid found out about Ghadeer’s complaint against his father and Ali went to the city for the court, but today Hatem did not allow his father to go to the court and said that he might be arrested and the family’s situation would be disturbed. Ali continued to suffer from illness and the family went to the mountains to chop firewood and pick medicinal plants.
#nomadic life #family conflict #weavers #mountain house #intense drama #survival #strong woman #resilient mother #mountain #woman #hardship #building #pregnancy #pregnant #cement block #huge river #fencing #wood #mountain campaign #night campaign

“Grandfather is not well. Grandmother, Jamshid and Farzane go to the mountains to get firewood ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Уважаемый Али,послушайте своих родных и прйдите к врачу,надо вам вернуть здоровье,не пейте холодные напитки,вам нужно тепло и теплое молоко с мёдом, лучше подить в городе и Ашраф за вами поухаживает и дрчь там ваша младшая,вы будете окружены заботой,прислушайтесь к совету пойти еще раз к врачу.

  2. Cette vie est toujours impressionnante!!
    Une vie pas simple car il faut affronter le temps mais la nature leur apporte beaucoup de choses.

  3. Jamshid, your Dad needs your understanding ,love n care ❤😢❤😢❤😢

    He’s not just physically sick but mentally tortured !!!! 😮😮😮😮😮❤😂🎉❤😂🎉😢😢😢😢

    Two of his sons betrayed him
    How is he supposed to feel ??????😢😢😢😢😢

    Please speak respectfully to him
    Encourage him to visit the doctor n to take a full rest in the city home

    You did say that but harshly 😢😢😢😢😢

    When parents get older they depend on the love n care of their children

    I understand you are tired n upset over quite a few issues.
    Please seek divine intervention
    Pray for yourself n your family that the Almighty God will
    empower you all n help you to find solutions to all your problems

    May God continue to bless this family , all viewers n donors n the operator for the beautiful video
    showing mountainous landscapes n rare flowers❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤

  4. Как трудна и тяжела ваша жизнь, заставляющая уходить так далеко и высоко в горы, прям на пике гор сейчас Вы находитесь. Здоровья и сил вынести все тяготы судьбы, которые Вы сейчас испытываете! С УВАЖЕНИЕМ К ВАМ ИЗ БЕЛАРУСИ

  5. For the cough, squeeze ginger, and lemon & mix with honey. Put a little warm water and drink 3 times a day. It will help soothe the cough. For fever, drink antibiotics like paracetamol, aspirin. I always catch that virus & drink those mixtures plus the antibiotics … I get healed quickly.

  6. Киануш,объясни пожалуйста ,фарзане ушла от мужа(никогда не могла запомнить его имя)он такой невзрачный ,что не запоминался. Просто хочу порадоваться за красивую,хорошую девушку. Тот муж не для неё был.она достойна лучшего, и верю что она будет счастлива с другим, .🙏♥️💐

  7. If grandfather is not well why are they moving out ? I think he should go to court in our country their for the elderly stay in you place!!

  8. El papá ya fue al doctor y le compraron medicina pero el sigue enfermo yo creo que el se debe quedar en la ciudad hasta que se encuentre recuperado

  9. Birşey söyliyeceğim sevgili bid operatör hayvanlara çok yk vuruyorsunuz yazikya onlarinda bir cani var ya biz karadenizliler yükleri arkamizda tasiyoruz bu vijdansizlikya bakmaya bile dayanamiyorumya

  10. Доброго ранку,всі лікарські трави висушують в тіні,а не на сонці,на сонці втрачається всі лікувальні властивості.

  11. Добрый день. Иран страна развитая,а смотрю в семье где столько мужиков,нет топора- кувалдой ломает бревно,простые люди живут в горных пещерах,камнем забивает гвозди( где молоток), многое удивляет.Как в любой семье есть пооблемы,при этом много не работающих,особенно женщины.И это 21 век.просто приспосабливаются к этим услови

  12. Ben bu aileyi çok seviyorum doğal yaşam tarzlarini yansitiyorlar özellikle jamsid hatem ve gelin hanim çok iteatkar annesine babasina karsi çok saygili allah herşey ğönüllerince olsun insallah

  13. Никак не могу понять эту семью. Куда они качуют, все выше и выше в горы.
    Они вроде не бедные, у них столько баранов и овец, такое впечетление, что их специально выгончют.
    У них же есть дом в городе, что они себя подвергают риску, отец уже старый больной, да и мать уже еле ходит.
    Прчему Фарзана с ними, где ее муж?
    Вообще не понятная семья. Где попало живут, что то делят. Короче как цыгане.

  14. Masya ALLAH , kalian sekeluarga sungguh beruntung walaupun ALLAH sedang memberi Ujian .
    Tapi lihatlah Alam yg indah dan domba2 kalian sangat sehat ….bersabarlah pasti ALLAH Akan memberikan pertolongannya , saya Uti ( nenek putri ) dari indonesia suku jawa


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