Roya’s lost brother in the hands of Ali And charity help to a poor family ek iş

Roya’s lost brother in the hands of Ali And charity help to a poor family ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

24381 Kişi Okudu – 2075 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

Hello everyone,
I am here today with some exciting news. Roya’s brother has finally been found! This is a major breakthrough for us, and I am thrilled to share this important event with
I hope this happy news brings joy to you as it does to us. Roya and her family are deeply grateful for your support and love, and they hope to embark on a path of success and happiness with your support.

I kindly ask all of you to continue supporting Roya’s family in this important stage and encourage them to move forward and create beautiful memories through your messages and comments.

Thank you for your support, and I hope this news brings you happiness and joy as well.If you liked this video, please share it with others and subscribe to our channel to stay updated with future videos. Also, feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section.

Thank you for your attention. Hope to see you in future videos.
#Roya #brotherfound #familyreunion #happynews #excitingtimes #grateful #support #love #happiness #joy #togetheragain #celebration #safeandwell #thankful #positivevibes #hope #memories #blessed #relief #unity #strength #goodnews #reunion #lovedones #happinessfound #supportivecommunity #celebratelife #positiveenergy #familylove #nomadic #nomadiclife #the #help #helping #nature

“Roya’s lost brother in the hands of Ali And charity help to a poor family ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Ahmed I like you and the way you are . Roya talks and plays around you that’s great.❤ If you don’t agree with something say it all these people telling you to settle down they aren’t there they shouldn’t judge so easily. Keep up the good work 💪😅😮😢

  2. Operador por fabor ponga para traducir en español ah y digalee a los señores que ese hombre se llama Ali que no lo ayuden a encontrar a Afsane ella le tiene terror.

  3. Оператор скажите Абдулкасыму и Ахмаду чтобы они если узнают где его жена афсане чтобы не говорили ему,он чуть её не убил она от него из за этого убежала

  4. Por fabor no le crean lo que ese hombre les dice, es un asesino trato de matar a su esposa y enterrarla viva y todo por otra mujer. No lo ayuden ella est bien con sus hijas.

  5. You dont know for sure that is her brother. You just assume he is. You need to word you subtitles better. You jump to conclusions. Anyway, Roya didnt seem to know the boy and neither did he know her. Just because neither one talks doesnt make them sibblings.

  6. Dear Engineers, trust your instincts. This did not feel right. There was no recognition between the children. Praying that you will find Roya’s mother and you will do what is right to protect the child. She is very beautiful but very sad and traumatised.

  7. Ахмед и Абул- Касим, пожалуйста будьте благоразумными, не доверяйте всякому встречному. Например этот мужчина своими поступками зачеркнул свою жизнь с Афсане- женщина с фото. Хоть ранее они жили хорошо, но однажды он изменился. Он вдруг начал унижать свою жену, устраивать скандалы и избивать. Не заботился о детях, бегал на свидание к другой женщине и тратил на нее все деньги. А однажды привел ее в качестве второй жены, на что Афсане была не согласна, тогда он ударил ее по голове тяжелым предметом и она потеряла сознания от полученной травмы головы. Он без всякого сожаления хотел избавиться от ее тела, но к счастью она вовремя очнулась и смогла сбежать. А этот человек продал их дом и жил не тужил пока были деньги. Он утверждает, что искал их, то почему он не засветился ни на одном из каналов. И полиция почему не сказала Афсане, что ее ищут, когда Сохраб помогал ей подать заявляли на мужа. Поэтому делайте выводы – он врет, жил в свое удовольствие пока не закончились деньги.

  8. If at the moment you are not her guardians, then what have you the rite to have her ears pierced, that would be assault in some countries. You also said Abdul that you had ordered a car seat and bicycle for the dream where are they!!!

  9. bom dia…oro para que voce alcance seus objetivos na vida,com forte vontade e perseverança,voce realizara seus sonhos e caminhara na direçao a um sucesso maior a cada dia…..

  10. Am avut o impresie bună despre voi. Acum mi-am schimbat-o. Nu cred că nu ați auzit de testul DNA. Mai ales un medic. 😮😂

  11. Bon dia limdos do canal a roya mascotinha princezinha ela e a cara do moreno ramed olha odeio ver vcs brigando perto da royavse fosse vcs adotavavroya urgente olha continue ajudando as pessoas carentes limda missao de vcstoma bastante vitaminas ramedy p aumentar sua imunidade coma frutas laranjas mexericas sucos de limao emulssao de skoty p seu pulmao ficar ben eu sou vovo lourdinha couto moro en itau de minas mg brasil bjuz na princezinha roya o xerox do ramedyadotevela venha passear aqui mg traga a roya pveu dar bjuz amo ela e vcs o camera manda bjuz p mim no ar vovo lourdinha couto itau de minas mg brasil quando ramedy fala o mundo extremesse vos limda🩷🩷🩷🩷🌷🌷♥️♥️🌹🌹💙🩵💙🩵🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🩵💙🩷♥️🩷💙🩵🙏🙏


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