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Nomadic life: ” Amo and the revelation of the shocking crime, his wife’s secret was revealed” ek iş 2022
#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi
25471 Kişi Okudu – 1182 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap
### 1. **Revelation of the dark secret of the wife**
In the simple and ups and downs of nomadic life, sometimes bitter and unfortunate truths remain hidden. Uncle, a strong and solid man, suddenly faces a bitter truth. He finds out that his wife intended to poison and kill him. This sudden discovery turns uncle’s life upside down.
### 2. **The Big Decision: From Facing Death to Pilgrimage**
After the revelation of this shocking crime, Amo decides to go on a pilgrimage with Sogra’s mother, a kind-hearted and patient woman. For uncle, this trip is not only an opportunity for spiritual recovery, but also a big decision to change his life and find peace again.
### 3. ** The intention of a journey towards peace and a bright future **
Uncle plans to go on a pilgrimage with Mother Soghara, with hearts full of hope and pure intention. This trip is a turning point in uncle’s life; A journey that leads him to peace and freedom from a bitter past and gives him a clear vision for a better future.
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Kalau pakcik sudah tahu isteri nya cuba maracun diri nya mengapa pakcik boleh berlembut. Sepatut nya pakcik sudah mengerti siapa yang menginayai songra dan akram.
شخصيه العم ضعيفه امام الشريره زوجته يخبرها بكل شي وهي لا تحترمه وهي تكذب عليه وتريد الاستلاء علي اموله اذاكان المشغل يعرف مكان كرم وصغري لماذا لايخبر العم لان القصه طالت
Sig operatore perché non gli hai detto anche la complicità con il marito di sua sorella e tanti altri filmati che l’operatore ha e perché non la denuncia con la polizia parlerà
Люди! О чем вы? Оставьте вы эту несчастную женщинк
I dont mean to be offensive Uncle but going to Karbala and paying vows is not going to help you. Its useless. Only Jesus, the Living God is able to help you. I challenge you to search for the truth about Him. For He IS the Truth!
For goodness sake Uncle…. divorce that evil woman! You keep threatening to do it but you keep going back to her and begging…. PLEASE Don’t! Because she doesn’t love you. Be free of her and be happy. You certainly don’t need her in your life.
Россия, Чечня. Ассалайм Алейкум! Самая большая ошика для дяди в его жизни, это что он женился на Акрам. Не гадюка, змея кобра. Факты её поступок, ясны и доказаны, она отрицает. Как она жила, если не любила!? Дядя заслуживает, большого счастья. АЛЛАХЬ пусть будет рядом и в душе, оберегая от плохого. Успехи, удачи и здоровье чтобы были его спутниками. Кому дядя нужен чтоб он был, а ему кто нужны чтоб ему были. Дядю любят и почитают все. ИНШААЛАХЬ

. Спасибо Оператору что помогает в разоблочение и за видео. Желаем чтоб счастье, удачи и здоровье, царили в вашей жизни

Uncle your wife poison you and still you are romancing with her..Shame
Uncle, your videos make my day, everyday!

Itukan kurang ajar. Kalau saya, udah saya tampar itu wajahnya
Operator nya dipukul pak ali. Pukul.isrimu
Любимый дчдя ты читаеш наши коменты или нет не будь лохом не дай себя обмануть твоей жене она змея
Captions wants in Hindi
Amca bey senin niyetin sograyi aramak degil sogranin annesiyle beraber olursan artik bende bakmayacagim kizin durumu perisan bari annesine ver sende ne halin varsa gor artik tadini kacirdin
Es mentirosa tu mujer ella la echo junto con tu cuñado son malos además ella le dijo que tú avisas vendido asíhijala mamá de sogra déjala es mala
Por no busca sogra y tú hermana están junta búscala ,y maiyan por no busca asogra preocúpate ante que le agan daño tu mujer
Yes uncles wife is really rude, and unkind to uncles sister and sogra..She’ll so unkind to them,,he’s
evil like her brother.
Operator you are one of a kind people..BECAUSE GOOD PEOPLE DESERVED GOOD THING’S LIKE YOU