Je li ovo kraj MARIOLAB-a? ek iş

Je li ovo kraj MARIOLAB-a? ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

27040 Kişi Okudu – 3894 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

U današnjem videu ću vam govoriti koja je budućnost MarioLaba…
📚🌿 S velikim zadovoljstvom i uzbuđenjem obavještavam Vas da je moja prva knjiga, “ISPREKIDANI POST: TAJNA ZDRAVLJA I DUGOVJEČNOSTI”, službeno u prodaji! 🌟

📚👉KNJIGU KUPITI OVDJE ( BOOK BUY HERE) :*kee8y3*_ga*MTQyODg2MTQ4OC4xNjcxNDM0MjUz*_ga_EYTQSN0F6Q*MTcwNDAxMjUzMi4xNjYuMC4xNzA0MDEyNTMyLjAuMC4w*_ga_3BYK9F9S0L*MTcwNDAxMjUzMi40NC4wLjE3MDQwMTI1MzIuMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.186412911.752153822.1703732338-1428861488.1671434253
➡️ Visit my practice: 🏥 MarioLAB CENTER ZAGREB, Oreškovićeva 1 (Croatia) and
☎️ CONTACT US BY PHONE (📳 Viber or WhatsApp):
098 9179 200 ( CROATIA ) or +385 98 9179 200 ( ABROAD )
➡️About me:
Mario Labudović, age 46 , (entrepreneur, author of the book “INTERMITTENT FASTING: THE SECRET OF HEALTH AND LONGEVITY”, YouTube creator, social media influencer, owner of Aura center Valpovo, MarioLAB center Zagreb,bacc.occup. therapy).
My goal in life was to help patients to cure their diseases in a natural and safe way. I have been working with patients from all over the world for over 25 years. And I wanted to transfer my knowledge and experience to everyone to improve their health.On my channel you will find thousands of videos that will help you in your daily life and in the fight against diseases…
Find out how to improve your health, recognize the symptoms of diseases, how to apply the best natural ways for a long, healthy and happy life!
➡️ Disclaimer:
“MarioLAB YouTube channel uploads videos for general informational purposes only. They should not be used for self-diagnosis and are not a substitute for a doctor’s examination, treatment, diagnosis and prescription or recommendation. You should not change your health regime or diet before you contact your chosen doctor or medical expert and ask them for a medical examination, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a doctor or other health professional if you have questions about your health condition.”

❤️Thanks for watching!
👋See you in the next video

“Je li ovo kraj MARIOLAB-a? ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. I’ll be waiting for the first edition of your natural medicine,thank you for all your videos that you spent most of your time making it available for the people to listen and learn more on how we can improve our health by watching videos that are informative

  2. Dottor Mario lab sono italiana mi chiamo Anna Rita non sto bene da una vita non sono ancora iscritta ma la segue vorrei acquistare i suoi libbri e vorrei chiederle se li può fare anche in italiano proprio perché vorrei provare a curarmi con la natura il mio probblema più grande e uno strano caso di epilessia per via di una lesione che mi è avvenuta per via di un incidente di pallone da molto piccola le chiedo gentilmente se può far stampare i libbri in italiano ..anche io sono molto credente e praticante religione cattolica e sono una carmelitana laica grazie dottore per i suoi consigli Dio la benedica ciao dall italia

  3. Dr.Marıo,may this centrury be a blessing to you,your first interest in helpinğ people is very important,don’t stop.continue on this path.God loves those who work and those who help.God loves those who help,don’t listen to those who love,this service to humanity is a great charity, don’t give up. Life is a struggle for the sake of goodness, don’t do it. This is beautiful, May your help to service people be for the benefith of you and your addition. Greetings to your family and loved ones.We expect your books to be written in Turkish languagage with translations. May God be with you and help you Thank you for your efforts.Dr.Marıo continue to be Robin Hod to the people Marıo ❤👏🇹🇷

  4. Multe informații mi-ați dat ce m-au ajutat la un momentdat. Totuși personal consider mediul on-line viitorul ce va schimba mai devreme ori mai târziu cărțile dar cum algoritmul și celelalte legi machiavelice patronează încă online cred că doar postând regulat pe YouTube se pot păstra și celelalte videoclipuri active (chiar dacă se face asta odată pe lună). (((😅
    Multă sănătate.

  5. Poštovani Mario.Hvala Vam mnogo , za sve što činite za mnogobrojne pratitelje .Javite nam se barem tjedno ,Vašim dragocjenim prilogom.
    Vašoj divnoj obitelji i Vama ,svako dobro iz ❤️
    Neka Vas uvijek čuva Bog.🙏Amin.🙏

  6. Sharing such valuable information but mostly for the passion that emerges from the depths of your heart It’s the sincere kindness that attracts your listener and your honest looks Huge thanks and may our lord bless you and your family

  7. Ah faleminderit dr Mario për këshillat e tua dhe e ndjeja që ti besoje në Jezusi sepse asnjë nuk e bën këtë qe bën ti Jezusi do të japë forcë për të vazhduar në rrugën tënde .zoti të bekojë me familje ❤❤❤

  8. Благодарим Ви за всичко Д-р Марио!
    Бог да ви дава дава здраве и сила!
    Ние сме с вас!❤

  9. Kuule,tuo työtahti vie sinut ennenaikaiseen hautaan ja sitäkö sinä haluat? Sinulla on ihana perhe ja he tarvitsevat sinua myös paljon. Älä lopeta kanavaasi vaan jaa työsi siten et aikaa jää kotiisi enemmän kuin 1-2h vrk ja onhan sinulla siellä useita avustajia vai onko? Pyydä niin sinulle annetaan….

  10. Da tezak je to tempo moramo razumjeti ali molim da barem ponekad radite video zapise, vase znanje i zelja za pomoc ljudima puno nam znace. Hvala, hvala ❤

  11. Wau,tää on todellinen kutsumustyö sinulle ja olen/olemme kiitollisia korkeimmalle et sinut johdatettiin tälle alalle.Minä olen seurannut sinua aikakauan ja toivoisin et voisit jatkaa meidän kanssamme näitä videoita! Rukoilen puolestasi❤❤❤


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