I waited 3 years for this… The REAL Japan 🇯🇵 ek iş

I waited 3 years for this… The REAL Japan 🇯🇵 ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

166594 Kişi Okudu – 3979 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

G’day everyone, in this video I’m sharing my first impressions of Osaka, Japan. I recently visited this amazing city and was blown away by its vibrant culture, delicious food, and friendly people.

One of the first things that struck me about Osaka was its bustling streets and lively atmosphere. The city is full of people and energy, and it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement. Whether you’re exploring the bustling shopping districts or taking in the sights and sounds of the city, there’s always something to see and do in Osaka.

Another thing that I loved about Osaka was its incredible food. From street vendors selling delicious snacks to Michelin-starred restaurants, there’s no shortage of amazing food to try in this city. Whether you’re a fan of sushi, ramen, or any other type of Japanese cuisine, you’ll be able to find it in Osaka.

The people of Osaka were also a highlight of my trip. Everyone I met was incredibly friendly and welcoming, and they made me feel right at home. Using the Osaka Amazing Pass it is free to visiting more than 40 sightseeing spots in Osaka. Ride buses and trains unlimitedly with a pass.

Overall, my first impressions of Osaka were incredibly positive. It’s a vibrant, exciting city with so much to offer. If you’re planning a trip to Japan, I highly recommend adding Osaka to your itinerary. Thank you for watching, and I hope you enjoyed my first impressions of this amazing city.

My Instagram: 📱 – https://instagram.com/jack_torr/
Facebook Page: 📱 – https://facebook.com/JackTorrOnYoutube

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Locations In Todays Video:

🔗 Osaka Castle: https://goo.gl/maps/ySZtRHuXsWhvzEbd7
🔗 Aqualiner: https://goo.gl/maps/vcUnEoWx1sMPvzNa7
🔗 Umeda Sky Building: https://goo.gl/maps/WjCxBYEVbvDUtkVQ9

A Massive Shoutout to the members who are supporting my channel:
– Nonstop Eurotrip
– Pedro Rubio Tejero
– Connor Morgan
– Ham Noy the Dutch Guy
– Winnie Chaffee

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“I waited 3 years for this… The REAL Japan 🇯🇵 ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Did you come to Japan for the first time?
    Osaka is the most beautiful metropolitan.
    I like Osaka.
    You chose Osaka, I like it.
    bon voyage.

    2:57 Wow!!!

  2. こんにちは。I learn English to use Youtube. So I found your youtube.I’m happy you really enjoy in Japan. たくさん、すてきな思い出がつくれますように😊たのしんで、ください。Take care.

  3. man.. gotta give the vid a thumbs down. was drinking and that baseball clip almost made me throw my energy drink… good video though..

  4. welcome to Japan!!
    the noodle in 9:40 is 焼きそば(yakisoba) , which is stir-fried on a griddle with sauce, pork, cabbage, carrots, etc.
    And the seafood-flavored (shrinp, squid, etc.) yakisoba is also good!!

  5. この日本がいつまでも続きますように。。

  6. 日本を楽しんでくださりありがとうございます。



  7. 日本へようこそ!

  8. 大阪へようこそ!


  9. Hi Jack! Glad you liked Japan. I was born in Tokyo, graduated in Osaka and now live in Kobe, I like quiet places. Too bad you didn’t come here. Kobe was partially destroyed by the earthquake in 1995 and after reconstruction is designated a Designer City by UNESCO. In Himeji there is one of the most iconic castles in Japan. Thanks for the video, your enthusiasm is sincere ❤


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