Are EVs Gonna Replace ICE Vehicles In Rideshare Soon? ek iş

Are EVs Gonna Replace ICE Vehicles In Rideshare Soon? ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

633 Kişi Okudu – 71 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

Many experts are saying EVs aren’t “naintaining the hype” many crave after ownership. Seeing many owners bash much of the “real” EV experience only lessens the desire for ICE owners to want to convert. i believe the rideshare industry is seeing this and is attempting to punish ICE owners while favoring EV owners with regards to profitable business and rides.

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“Are EVs Gonna Replace ICE Vehicles In Rideshare Soon? ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Your theory has a lot of merit, and I for one, cannot afford to buy any type of new vehicle just to do rideshare. It’s not profitable enough. These rideshare tech companies are full of Behavior Modification tricks, and I’ve had enough. Stopped driving a week ago. Done! I still support those of you who are still in the game but I can no longer deal with their games and hostile treatment toward the people helping their platform to grow. As you, the Rideshare Professor and others have continued suggesting, if you’re going to invest in rideshare, start your own transportation service. It’s not sustainable otherwise!

  2. I think they are just fucked as a company and are trying to derate all the drivers and push you guys out for robots in 5 years it will all be robots , in Minneapolis they just saying there going to cut drivers out , but in a few months you will see robots picking people up . They not leaving they just leaving you .

  3. We all need to get on short wave radios , and coordinate our runs and work together to get the best deals on runs , like if 5 drivers sitting in one area talk to each other when a run pops up we all decline it 4 times then raise the price . ,

  4. I mean they can fuck you over 101 ways till Sunday ? Why would they do it like that ? I was a city dispatcher when we used drivers for messages and bikers back in the 90’s and one thing I know no matter what they don’t want to keep the customer waiting , so they going to send the driver closet to the pu , and may even have pu lined up for you when you deliver because they want to be as efficient as possible , and it’s not like they have so many customers that they can cherry pick drivers , but il tell you what , my best driver was the driver that took everything without fail , and because of that I would send him on the best routes and hook him up , I’ve noticed that if you go with the algorithm it will start to hook you up , and then you be making good money ,. Like getting you in zones and least problem customers . Like in Chicago the algorithm will try to send me to the south side but it’s doing that because that’s were the most expensive runs are , but I don’t want to go , so then I get shit rides on the north side .

  5. I get the same rides driving my Tesla that I did driving my gas car I haven’t seen any difference in the offers the only thing I see a difference is I’m not spending so much on gas and maintenance

  6. Yeah I’m seeing too, I’m from Houston TX , the only way I’ll take those drives if I’m trying to get up that way otherwise heck NO

  7. these high AR app ants love their Tesla EV’s because it will make a comfortable eco friendly home for them once they get evicted from their house. I say buy an EV because you like the car, not because Dara told you to do so 🤣🤣 Great video

  8. I’ve noticed uber/lyft been trying to get me to take a lot more of these nature hikes lately but been turning them down I think this going to push more driving to hum.

  9. As an EV owner and someone who rents an EV from Hurts My Pocket (ahem I mean Hertz), I wouldn’t say I’m a pissed off EV driver, I’m just an EV driver who sees a ton of room for improvement in the EV game. This happens with electronics all the time, particularly iPhones and PlayStations, but you notice how everyone would be camping outside at a Best Buy for the chance to get whatever gadget on the first day it comes out? And then when they buy it there are software issues or glitches that would spoil their joy? Same thing here, except these car companies hyped it up ten years or so before they had the infrastructure ready for all the EVs they could deal out to us. Long story short, I was so upset when my lady went to Vegas with her girlfriends for a girls weekend getaway and she missed the only Tesla station on the way to Vegas, which is in Yermo, close to Death Valley. She came dangerously close to killing off my Tesla in the middle of the desert. But can you imagine all those EV drivers competing for 50 or so chargers at the ONLY charging station on the way to Vegas from Southern California? What would otherwise be a five hour trip to Vegas could magically be a literal all day trip. As you alluded to on the stream yesterday, improving the infrastructure would save and literally turn the EV industry around. With your ICE, there’s a gas station around in every corner, you drop $50 and pump up for 2 minutes, and you’re back on the road…imagine if the infrastructure for EVs are that convenient and reliable. That would be a game changer!

  10. Until the infrastructure is there it’s no on EV for me, I’m happy with my hybrid, I’ve have only seen about 2 or 3 Tesla’s in my market. One of those guys with the Tesla is renting one (he’s an idiot as far as I am concerned). As far as I know the nature hikes everyone gets. Everyone gets offered to drive to Pismo Beach, Morro Bay, and Los Osos for $3-$15 if you are in San Luis Obispo. Depending on what part of town you are in it could 9-15 miles sometimes more.. I’m not sure you have enough EV drivers on your channel to get a reliable consensus. You will have to hit the Ride Share Guy crowd to get a clearer picture.

  11. Haha sounds crazy, but my Tesla 3 Plaid is my dream car. Don’t know if I mentioned it in the stream yesterday, but I was the first ones who embraced Tesla as a car company and when everyone laughed at the idea of Tesla, who had the last laugh when gas shot up to $7/gallon here in CA? Gas is still $5.50/gallon here.

    But yeah, Jeff. Sorry for the long reply, but let me show you in on how EV jail is like. Only way I would recommend an EV to someone is if they could afford charging their car at home. I have a charging station for my 3, but I rarely use it because it would jack up my mother-in-law’s electricity bill. Next best thing after that is charging it at a Tesla superstation; don’t know about the next Tesla car owner, but I have my shit set up so my lady and I could just plug up and go and then Tesla would bill me later in the month for all the times we used their charger at a station. My lady uses my Tesla for work, while I use the Chevy Bolt, she does more driving to work than I do (commutes from SD to LA), and she charges up every other day. All in all, I get billed about $160-$180 by Tesla every month for charging up. Still cheaper than gas, but I still recommend charging at home because you’ll be competing with other EV drivers who would need a charge too and shit is always a risk of your car dying just driving around looking for a charge.

    Leads me to my final point.
    The infrastructure of charging your EV is about a decade away from being where it should be. Like I said, there would be five chargers, two of them will be broken, and the other three are taken up and I’m often in a line of five other people waiting for the 3 motherfuckers to charge up…and Electrify America (the service I use to charge my Bolt) has an hour cap-off before they would charge you a $2.50/hr fee for leaving your shit past the hour cut off…so use your imagination, I could be sitting in line at a station with two drivers in front of me and it would take me up to a three hour investment before I’m off and running again….thats if my car don’t die on me while I’m sitting in line haha…charging up is a bigger pain in the ass when I’m using my Bolt as opposed to my Tesla, but as you can imagine, that’s not an efficient way to drive rideshare. #EVJail

  12. I’ve noticed that since I had a $1000 dollar week with lyft, because of a lot of $5-7 bonuses, the $6 power hour, and 20 rides bonuses. Don’t show up anymore. Now I get max $4 bonuses & the rare chance I do get a $7-9 bonus I’m guaranteed to get a nature hike.I need to learn the Harriet Tubman for Lyft.

  13. So I know that with most companies if you demand that a person have specific materials to do there job. You have to provide them with those materials.
    Where they will get away with not doing it that we’re independent contractors.

  14. I have an Ev and get the same rides long pickups short drop off or long pickups long drop offs it’s no different. Same crappy rides, and i chery pick too just to turn some kind of profit. I truly think it’s just another one of their control tactics to pay you less I’m in la market so it should be another driver closer.


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