Abbas is in debt to the shopkeeper and her goal is to sell the house ek iş

Abbas is in debt to the shopkeeper and her goal is to sell the house ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

22649 Kişi Okudu – 1552 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

Therefore, it seems that Abbas is indebted to the shopkeeper and his purpose in selling the house is to settle his debts to the shopkeeper. This situation can lead to new changes and developments in the story and may affect the personal relationships and movements of the characters. Probably, this situation will cause tension and enmity between the characters, and it should be seen how this situation will be resolved.

It seems that Maryam and Setareh had a discussion with Abbas and asked why he was in debt to the shopkeeper and why he decided to sell his house at this time. This issue may lead to tensions and disputes between family members.

Probably, Setara’s father is upset about Abbas’s debt to the shopkeeper in the amount of six hundred dollars. This issue can justify his worry and discomfort due to the negative financial effects on his family and their relationships. This feeling may stem from worries about finances and its implications on their family life. The star father probably needs to review the family’s financial situation and focus on cooperation and interaction to find suitable solutions for debt management.

#cooking #loneliness #love #garden #hard #life #nomadic #disappeared #familyreunion #man #document #mather

“Abbas is in debt to the shopkeeper and her goal is to sell the house ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

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  5. Больше половина фильма варят макароны и больше никаких дел.Документы не переоформляют,ждут когда Аббас снова обманет и пойдут опять в холодную и сырую пещеру.Ничего нового,никакого развития,никто ничем не занят и детьми никто не занимается.

  6. Abbas treibt die Familie in Ruin er sollte endlich seine Verantwortung nach kommen und Arbeiten gehen er wird sicher alles verlieren aber das hat er alles durch sein nichts tun verursacht. Schade um die Familie wenn er nicht bald aktiv wird wird alles dem Bach runter gehen.

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  8. Dasar lelaki g tau diri masa siabas tida mencintai mariyam cinta nya sama bintang dulu nya klo g mencitai mariyam masa sampe punya anak tiga dasar abas idiot ,

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  11. العدل ان يكون هذا المنزل مناصفه بين مريم وستار من حق ستار ان يكون لها منزل ايضا

  12. Аббас молод. Вероятно, он еще не готов к такой ответственности за большую семью.
    У него есть родители?
    Может ему уйти от этих жен, которые не очень хорошо к нему относятся, а дети невоспитанные.
    Без Аббаса канал будет неинтересен.


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