What is Armageddon? “Prepare & Share” How to Survive Part 2 #BlessedTiffanySnow ek iş

What is Armageddon? “Prepare & Share” How to Survive Part 2 #BlessedTiffanySnow ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

19 Kişi Okudu – 3 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

What is Armageddon? How to Survive Part 2. “Prepare & Share,” The Bible in One Sentence, Adding Faith to Fearlessness

Hi! I’m Tiffany Snow (Blessed Tiffany), and I have information for you. Welcome to part 2 of this series of what Armageddon is, and how to survive. Please note there are closed captions of this series in most languages as well.

Here are some excerpts from the video:

…Now look at the next part, “Thy Kingdom Come.” A kingdom is a government. And we are not GOING somewhere to become part of it, THIS kingdom is not about dying and going to heaven. This is, as Jesus says, is COMING. Thy Kingdom Come. It’s something we have been taught by the Son of God to ask for, to pray for, to beseech God for, to look forward to.

Where is this new government coming? This is underscored by the next words (4). “Thy Will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” On earth. God’s will. This means war! Because there are already governments here, with a different world leadership. And we are foretold the final outcome of this war. God wins – Love wins. This means a huge shift for the entire planet, not just the humans upon it. Finally God’s original purpose for us and the earth as started in the Garden of Eden, will begin.

….The place where you Believe you are loved by your husband, wife, child, friend, and find joy in it, is faith. You don’t have tangible proof of its existence, although there may be symbols representing it. Hence a wedding ring, hence a crucifix. But the true emotion and binding connection, is itself is unseen. Yet the belief in love, unseen, brings your life joy, meaning and purpose. It gives direction and confidence.

Without Faith, this information is just words.
Without Faith, all the Holy Books of the world are just stories.
Without Faith, anything you hear with your ears or see with your eyes, will not affect you – unless you allow your heart to be moved by it.
FAITH is that great vulnerability, the place where miracles themselves happen. Now add Faith to what we learned in the article in Armageddon part 1 – not being Afraid. Fearless, no matter what you see around you.
Fearlessness, and Faith.

…. Are there matters of faith we are asked to do right now? Yes. Now as in the past, God suggests we put aside some provisions and items needed for the beginning of the rough times ahead. This doesn’t mean investing in an underground bunker with tons of food. It is God’s power that will save us, not our own abilities and the size of our warehouses. But to lessen the physical hardship on ourselves and our loved ones, especially in the beginning of these events, just like in the time of the Ten Plagues, we are given a heads-up because we will be suffering too. The provisions the Israelites were asked to prepare for the event were for the beginning of their journey, their initial deliverance from the king of Egypt, and it also was a sign of obedience. But it was the supernatural miracles of God that sustained them the 40 years in the wilderness!

…In upcoming videos we will talk more about some of the supernatural miracles WILL be occurring during Armageddon, and how to know which ones you might be called to participate in. Also about how to keep family members together if you need to relocate during difficult events and how to recognize a safe place, and how a new kind of safe space will be available. Please note we have placed more scriptural references in the links below for what has been shared here today.

Stay Strong,
Stay Faithful,
And Share the Love!

Matthew 25:1-13; Matthew 6:9,10; Acts 4:32-35; 1 John 4:8-10; Exodus 7-13
www.TheFourthHealing.com www.TiffanySnow.com #BlessedTiffanySnow #TheFourthHealing #FatherBillyClark

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