The start of a controversy in a nomadic family: the return of the creditor ek iş

The start of a controversy in a nomadic family: the return of the creditor ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

13456 Kişi Okudu – 793 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

In the vast wilderness, their nomadic footsteps tread,
Ali’s family embraces a life they’ve always led.
In this captivating documentary, we shall soon explore,
The clash that brews between a mother and daughter-in-law.

Ali’s mother, wise and weathered, carries traditions deep,
Her every move rooted in customs she intends to keep.
While Parvaneh, new to the fold, seeks a path uncharted,
With dreams and aspirations that are yet to be charted.

With each passing day, tensions begin to rise,
Cultural clashes cloud the nomadic skies.
Traditional values clash with modern desires,
The spark of conflict fuels the family’s fires.

Ali, caught in the middle of this fierce battleground,
Strives to mediate; a peacemaker he’s found.
Yet, the chasm widens between his precious kin,
As differences become too hard to reign in.

Through breathtaking landscapes, we witness the void,
Of two women entangled, their hearts nearly destroyed.
But beneath the surface, a common thread is revealed,
A longing for understanding, wounds hoping to be healed.

As the documentary unfolds, past and present intertwine,
Ali’s family’s story begins to truly shine.
Amidst the chaos and strife, a bond starts to grow,
Through shared experiences and empathy that begins to flow.

Eventually, barriers crumble, compassion takes hold,
Forgiveness and acceptance, once distant, now unfold.
The nomadic family, reunited by love’s strong pull,
Proves that, despite struggles, unity remains their rule.

In this enthralling documentary, we’ve witnessed unfold,
The ongoing battle a nomadic family must hold.
Ali’s mother and Parvaneh, no longer at odds,
Find solace in embracing a life that demands unbreakable bonds.

#NomadicFamilySaga #DocumentaryDrama #FamilyConflictExposed #TraditionsVsDesires #CulturalClash #MediatorAli #JourneyThroughWilderness #TheBondThatUnites #NewHorizonsBeckon #ForgivenessPrevails #UnityAmidstStruggles #LoveConquersAll #NomadicLifestyle #BreathtakingLandscapes #EmotionalTugOfWar #TensionsRise #HealingWounds #SharedExperiences #CompassionUnleashed #AcceptanceBringsPeace #UnbreakableBonds #MotherInLawVsDaughterInLaw #IntriguingFamilyDynamic #NomadicLifeUnveiled #GenerationalConflict #HeartwarmingRevelations #UnderstandingPrevails

#FamilyBetrayal#RelationshipBetrayal#PreventBetrayal #SignsOfBetrayal#BetrayalPsychology #BetrayalConsequences#HealingFromBetrayal#TrustRebuilding#BetrayalTrauma #BetrayalRecovery#MarriageBetrayal#FriendshipBetrayal#InfidelityInFamily #ForgivingBetrayal#SiblingBetrayal#ParentingBetrayal
#ReconciliationAfterBetrayal #DivorceBetrayal

“The start of a controversy in a nomadic family: the return of the creditor ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Mas que porcaria é essa? Alguém entendeu alguma coisa?? A unica coisa ali que entendi foi a piada do Ali dizendo que trabalha para pagar as despesas dos filhos kkkkk, nem aquela areia Ali ele comprou. Mas ela bem merece um vadio covarde desses.

  2. Así te qedarás sin espectadores…nadie cree qe una mujer pueda ser tan tonta, porque deja qe la maltrate…no trae comida y anda con hambre…y ella lo defiende y no es ni el padre de sus hijos.

  3. …es lo mismo qe lavan, ni a los niños, adonde guardan la ropa, ella se cambia de vestido.nunca tienden al sol la ropa….es una falsedad este video.

  4. رفع عليكي. السلاح وضربك وبيعك منزلك وخطف ابنك وياكل ببلاش وابوكي اعطاه فلوس وبعد ذلك كيف تقبلي ان تعيشي معه

  5. 😮 كيف تسمحين لنفسك ان تعيشي مع هذا الشخص وعندك اثباتات تجعلك تتطلقين منه والمصور والظابط يساعدوكي في ذلك انتي يامسحوره يامغفله لقدطلقتي ابو اولادك لانه مدمن انتي غريبه انتي وامك فعلا قرفتوا المشاهد اغلقوا قناتكم بلاش قرف

  6. ❤مصور اجنبي لو كان من بلدها لم يسمح بمثل هذه المهزله هو وهي مستفادين من هذه الافلام المسئ لها ولاولادها بتعطوننا فكره ان الايرانيين مختالين عليا بلاش قرف قرفتونا مصور غير مريح❤

  7. Si Ali tuviera que cobrar x horas se moriría de hambre 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Trabaja menos que el sastre de TARZAN 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  8. Ali semakin ganas sekarang…..dia tidak mahu keluar dari rumah itu….selagi dia tidak dapat haknya dari parvaneh…sebab dia telah berurusan untuk menjual rumah itu….Ali tidak layak lagi menjadi sebagai suami…..lebih baik berpisah saja.😮

  9. я не могу смотреть, как они метут пол! Пыль стоит столбом! неужели они не понимают, что не убирают дом, а только гоняют грязь веником? моя бабушка всегда подметала пол мокрым веником и не поднимая его высоко. уф…. какие неприспособленные женщины

  10. Señores y señoras no se crean de este canal es pura mentira diario pasan lo mismo pardaneh diario limpia los niños todos los días limpios y no tienen baño ni donde lavar esto es pura mentira para tener un sueldo de YouTube pero cada día son menos los suscriptores 😂😂😂😂

  11. Even though Ali is a bad person…but parvaneh still love him…it doesn’t make sense.please mr Operator can u tell parvaneh until when she wants to stay with Ali? So boring his attitude everyday fighting n no future at alls n jobless


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