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Nobody Is Allowed Inside! ~ Phenomenal Abandoned Manor Left Forever ek iş 2022
#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi
72498 Kişi Okudu – 4467 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap
Exploring abandoned places is my hobby and finance it all out of my own pocket and the donations I get from the people who love watching the documentaries we make… A small donation would be greatly appreciated! ► https://www.patreon.com/brosofdecay
Let us immerse ourselves in the intriguing story of Mister Marcel, he was a businessman, a father of three, and a loving husband! His life began in the bustling city center of Zurich, where he grew up and later took over the family business. The family business was a plaster shop for many generations. Marcel completely transformed it and turned it into a specialized plaster manufacturing company, and became prosperous in the process. But Marcel had a bigger dream. At the age of 50, he was ready to fulfill it. He sold his business and moved away from the bustling city center of Zurich to the peaceful French countryside. His dream was to convert a French manor into his dream estate. He found the property he was looking for, and he transformed it into a masterpiece using all the skills and knowledge he had accumulated over the years. Their children slowly moved out to the big cities seeking opportunities, while Marcel and his wife remained inside the manor until the final years of their lives. His beloved wife passed first, and he lived on the estate alone until in 2013 his dream was left behind forever. Unfortunately, his children are unable to reach an agreement on how to divide the massive property and its contents. They have been in a lawsuit for years and are thus not allowed to enter the Manor.
Allow us to take you inside the walls of this unique property and show you what has been left inside.
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Abandoned House Abandoned Mansion Urbex Exploring