New York city is disgusting ek iş

New York city is disgusting ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

2353 Kişi Okudu – 5 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

“New York city is disgusting ek iş” üzerine 3 yorum

  1. Thank you!
    As a lifelong New Yorker living here, now is very disappointing . I used to love New York so much not so much anymore.
    Hopefully we get the greatest city in the world cleaned up .

  2. Youtube is so random for recommending this video to me, I was just watching videos about traveling to new york and boom I saw this and started cackkklinnngggg.


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