The canceled tradition of forced marriage: sending Ahmad to the hospital ek iş

The canceled tradition of forced marriage: sending Ahmad to the hospital ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

24892 Kişi Okudu – 1851 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

This video sheds light on the canceled tradition of forced marriage, where Ahmad is sent to the hospital. It explores the reasons behind the cancellation of this tradition and its negative impacts on individuals and society. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, be sure to watch this video.
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“The canceled tradition of forced marriage: sending Ahmad to the hospital ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Yo creo que abul Qasin lo que quiere es tener el camino libre para poder casarse con arzun yo creo que el esta enamorandose de ella

  2. Ahmed de ce ai întrebat-o pe mama lui Roya că este stângaci?cumva ai de gând să faci un copil?Da fetele i-au trăsăturile de la tata și băieții de la mamă

  3. es ist keine gute Idee, Ahmet zu dieser Heirat zu zwingen, sein Leben wird ruiniert, Probleme werden nicht gelöst

  4. You’re talking rubbish Ahmed .Arzoo said she wanted to get a job & build her own house so why are you telling her she can’t do it. Most women on the other channels do it & women around the world do this every day.
    You all Should go out and get jobs & build your own house. That’s what normal people do EVERY DAY
    INSTEAD OF SITTING AT HOME DRINKING TEA ALL DAY WHILE THE VIEWERS ARE OUT THERE WORKING & SENDING YOU MONEY. THEY’RE SENDING YOU MONEY FOR THE NOMADS BUT INSTEAD YOU’RE BUILDING YOURSELVES A HOUSE & IN THE NEXT BREATH YOU’RE 😡TELLING THE NOMADS THAT FINANCIALLY YOU CANNOT HELP THEM RIGHT NOW😢 SHAME ON ALL OF YOU😡👎 You’re talking rubbish you sit there drinking tea making excuses for what you’re doing you’re reading our comments then try to justify your selves according to the comments all the while thinking the viewers are stupid & gullible. Maybe we are because we have good hearts but what you people are doing is selfish & disgusting while the poor Nomads are living in some hole in the ground or a tent that leaks & there you are using our money to build yourself a big house. ( I say that because I just heard Ahmed say it’s not a big house) Ahmed is saying that Because the viewers commented on why such a big house. SHAME , SHAME

  5. Ahmed, en étant célibataire, c’est sa mère qui s’est occupé de lui depuis son enfance jusqu’à maintenant.. donc, puisqu’elle est malade et Ahmed très souvent absent, elle a peur d’être seule et cela se comprend. Si Ahmed ne veut pas de cette femme – après l’avoir vue – il devrait proposer à sa mère d’avoir une infirmière … De toute manière, Ahmed ne pense qu’à la petite Roya, et le mariage ne l’intéresse pas ….

  6. Wish you speedy recovery Amid. Please don’t get married to your family member you won’t be HAPPY.find your own wife.

  7. Quiten al nene del medio de la conversación de adultos.Hay situaciones que no hay necesidad de que esté escuchando!.
    Que pasó con los subtitulos?

  8. You two are spending too much of time behind this one family. Where is your promise to help the other needy people. Why are you so unnaturally attached to them. I think theme’s mother is correct in her thoughts

  9. Loving a child is different but ahemad’s behaviour really looks as if he has intention towards arzoo. And surely arzoo encourages that. She is too inter fering in their affairs

  10. Arzoo had no intention of going or she would have taken her things too and gone secretly in other’s absence. She is quite clever

  11. Абдулкасим как за ребёнком ухаживает за Ахмедом он так за него беспокоиться Ахмед слушайся своего верного преданного друга ты ему очень дорог и нам зрителям мы хотим вас всегда видеть вместе дай алагь вам здоровья

  12. Какие прекрасные друзья ребята просто слов нет Абдулкасим очень переживает за Ахмеда ему нужно лечиться

  13. Pienso k en la vida real esos niño son de ahmef y esa mujer es su esposa en la bida real siempre le vi el parecido..uuff alguien k lo comento gracias real mira hasta la cabeza del chico.son igualitos ..puto show😅😅😅😅😅

  14. Как оказывается в Иране мужчину женить трудно,а?!?
    Сопротивляется еще…. Надо же?!?😁😁😁❤️‍🩹

    Женится на кровных родственниках- это инцест… Ведет к вырождению рода и тяжелым генетическим заболеваниям!
    А мама просто хочет помощницу в дом,которую знает и которой может доверять… Наверное?!?


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