The biological mother was upset because her daughter was treated poorly ek iş

The biological mother was upset because her daughter was treated poorly ek iş 2022

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“The biological mother was upset because her daughter was treated poorly ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Nếu phụ đề của video không hiển thị các bạn vui lòng nhấp vào chữ cc trên màn hình hoặc vào biểu tượng cài đặt và chọn ngôn ngữ trong phần dịch tự động

  2. Comoque ru historia es buena pero creo ya esta hartando tanto borrego con manos.cruzados te busco pero estoy sentado te busco pero platico con el hijo adoptivo cara de mala ya mejor voy a esperar a ver el final espero no sea tan tonta como va si tardan yo me retiro de tu canal

  3. Memang betul cakap mak mentua tuan, memang ibu tuan jahat, 24 jam mabuk, menghalau isteri tuan keluar, kalau tuan tidak pecaya cakap ibu mentua tuan, pergi kantol polisi tuan boleh tanya polis disana

  4. Tuyet you have every right to talk to yr husband It,s illegal for yr mother inlaw to prevent you from meeting him n you claim all yr rights that are due of you as a legal wife Don,t allow him to leave you n use you as a commodity keeping silent for 5 years no youth with you no support nothing

  5. Yr mother inlaw came to search for her when she came to know fr the people how her daughter was beaten ,kicked,abused day in n day out even after chasing her she n that evil girl the so called adopted daughter went to yr wife s hut to beat n troubled her yr mother n that girl treated her like a slave .Don t listen to yr mother .Go to the policenyou,ll find her If you also join the chorus of mom even God will not forgive you either

  6. Mẹ đẻ anh cũng biết vợ anh ở đâu mà bà o nói thôi, cả có gái đó cũng biết ở đâu mà, lời mẹ vợ anh nói là đúng sự thật đó

  7. This video is deeply moving. Seeing the emotional struggle of a mother upset over her daughter’s mistreatment is truly heartbreaking. It highlights the importance of compassion and standing up for our loved ones. 💔❤

  8. Ahora sí vas a encontrarte con tu marido , llegó tu madre hablar con él ojalá le cuente dónde estás viviendo para que te busque. Se valiente y decidida .

  9. YOU COULD go home and live with your Mother. You can just build another house on her property. In fact you could build a house for all the extra people living with her now. You would never have to deal with your MIL again. They keep talking about ”getting married””… did you LEGALLY get married to this guy?

  10. IT IS NOT A MARRIAGE when your husband leaves for 5 years and you have to care for a MISERABLE DRUNKEN MIL. There are jobs he can do in his home town area and come home every night. If he leaves again and does not take you with him…then get a divorce. YOU DESERVE BETTER~!!!

  11. Por favor comenten en español para saber q dicen no entendemos nosotros los q no ablamos su idioma dé hustedes

  12. At this point I will help your husband for another wife or I would take him from you because how the way that you are acting like you don’t want to go down to your mother-in-law house to find your husband. Your mother-in-law is trying to hook him up with the female that you’ve been watching so if you want your husband back you need to go to your mother-in-law house and stop playing all these games. You are a grown ass woman so you don’t need to be afraid of nobody, but God and he said do not be afraid of me. So you better go get your husband before somebody snatch him up.

  13. Interesting how your stupid mom knows where your wife is on the other side of the land and took her half of the corn. No shame no shame at all. The poor poor wife we feel so sad for the beautiful lady.

  14. Why don’t you go to your husband and let him know what’s going on what is the problem you must don’t love him at all 🙄👎

  15. You need to go to the police anyway to let them know that that woman threatened your life saying that she will get gangsters to hurt you if you go see your husband 😡


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