Love in the middle of the wheat field: the story of Shokofeh and Qobad’s effort to finance the house ek iş

Love in the middle of the wheat field: the story of Shokofeh and Qobad’s effort to finance the house ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

23756 Kişi Okudu – 1607 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

The boundless love of Shoofah and Qobad and their efforts to gargle and work in the wheat field so that they can collect money and continue to build their dream house:

Shkoufeh and Qabad, two young lovers, dreamed of building a house for themselves. Despite the hardships of life, they were in love with each other and decided to do anything to make this dream come true.

Their first step was to go to a farm around the city as a laborer and collect the money needed to build a house by threshing wheat. They spent days under the scorching sun of the farm, but their love and common goal gave them strength and kept them hopeful.

With continuous efforts and savings, Shkoufeh and Qabad were able to provide enough money to start building their dream house. This common love and desire supported and pushed them forward in the hardships of life.

#Endless love#Shared desires#Daily effort#Gargari in the farm#Saving with a purpose#Dream house#Green mountain#Hardworking nomadic children#Goodness to parents#The secret of love#The secret of survival#New#Nomadic lifestyle#dream

“Love in the middle of the wheat field: the story of Shokofeh and Qobad’s effort to finance the house ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Grandma really needs to start on the face and head and work her way down rubbing Vaseline on grandpa because the way you’re doing it is really gross sorry but your rubbing his foot yuck into his hands and face😮😮😮 just my opinion

  2. فقط قباد داس خوب نمیگیره.از ریشه درو می‌کنه.که لازمه نگاه کنه خانمش کمی ضرر نداره

  3. هی آقا به با د چه چی چه بگو آچار فرانسه عاشق راننده .کارگر.بنا. راننده… برزگر.واقعا واقعا .تازه پدر فکر نکنم نصف قباد زحمت کشیده بوته بخدا

  4. هزار ماشاالله که قباد کلی زمین کشاورزی داره و با پولش میتونه کلی سروسامون به زندگیش بده

  5. Skofeh why u n kids dont greet wen leaving home or wen arriving home granma n qubad alays greet get into ghe habit of greeting

  6. Мальчику нельзя давать серп -это не игрушка, он уже упал с тележкой…


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