How is SpaceX Starship Revolutionizing Our World!? The Epic Future Awaits! ek iş

How is SpaceX Starship Revolutionizing Our World!? The Epic Future Awaits! ek iş 2022

#ekiş #evdeiş #parakazanma #paketlemeişi

185314 Kişi Okudu – 19386 Kişi Beğendi Sende Beğen Yorum Yap

Elon Musk’s recent presentation at Starbase Texas, was I think a little more interesting than some may have given it credit for. In its raw form, perhaps these can come off as a little dry. Well, surprise, because my good friend Adam editing along here with us on the channel just couldn’t wait to present this in a way that absolutely blew my mind. How is SpaceX Starship Revolutionizing Our World!? The Epic Future Awaits! I would have put it all up earlier but there has just been so much going on, I wanted to make sure we picked the right time. Well, that is now, and I am really wanting to hear what you think of this. Because to me, as we dream of the near future to come, this is an amazing example of why I, no we love this story so much. As we patiently await the upcoming integrated flight test three you can’t help but feel that anticipation growing. I cannot wait. Anyway, sit back, pop the headset on, and enjoy.

Music 🎵🎶
‘The Climb’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

The Climb

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The production crew:
GameplayReviewUK, TiagoCruz, Mr Pleasant, Virtu, Orbitly

Support from the below is always massively appreciated:
📷 NASASpaceFlight –
📷 RGVAerialPhotography –
📷 Randolph Visuals –
📷 Greg Scott –
📷 Starship Gazer –
📷 Cosmic Perspective –
📷 LabPadre –
📷 Epic Spaceflight –

Set models:
😍 Mini venting Starship/SLS –
😍 Starship, & Crew Dragon by –
😍 Moon/Mars Mova Globes –
😍 Saturn V – LEGO –
😍 Space Shuttle – LEGO –

3D artist magicians:
✨ Tony Bela –
✨ Ryan Hansen Space –
✨ Erc X –
✨ Corey –
✨ Alex Svan –
✨ DeepSpaceCourier –
✨ SpaceXvision –
✨ Stanley Creative –
✨ TijnM_3DAnimations –
✨ Christian Debney –
✨ Evan Karen –
✨ 3D Daniel –

“How is SpaceX Starship Revolutionizing Our World!? The Epic Future Awaits! ek iş” üzerine 20 yorum

  1. Terraforming Mars is the big prize … it has as much surface area as all earth’s continents combined. A Mars wide temperate climate could accommodate 10 billion people

  2. Thank you for the video! I completely agree with the points made about the increasing prevalence of anger in the US. Despite its problems, growing up in the US, I didn’t perceive as much anger as I do today, I earn over $370000 in investment.

  3. SpaceX, like Tesla, would do well to keep Elon out of the spotlight. This edit made him look not unhinged, but Elon needs to learn when to shut up.

  4. Elon Musk could actually do something more useful by doing more to help us to NOT destroy this world. Full marks for Tesla… but maybe doing something to, you know, stop the Russians, and perhaps even stop giving right-wing nut jobs and their fellow travellers loudhailers to spread their poison?

    That I’d prefer infinitely to infecting another world with our species.

  5. Terraforming Mars is pure fantasy. No magnetic field to protect living tissue from the deadly radiation it would endure.

  6. Sad to hear that he thinks that the earth one day will be uninhabitable!!! Can’t we evolve and grow the hell up to prevent this?!?!?!?!? Wake up humans!

  7. It’s amazing to me that Starship is bigger and has more thrust than the Sat V but seems to be so much sleeker and cleaner of a launch vehicle.

  8. Best I have heard him speak in a long time. Almost sounds sane. Now if we can just get him off twitter and his crazy mess that would be good.

  9. I get eczema hearing Mr. Must, so thankfully definitely not as fawning a fanboy as you. But I mean it’s your excitement and about the tech that’s somewhat contagious. Though you do seem a bit too naive and..well uncritical when it comes to musk as well as corporate messaging which I’m not to sure about as there surely a lot of younger viewers who should learn to not fall for empty words and pr. Now I’m not saying I don’t believe Space X can achieve previously unthinkable things. But it will by now be in spite of musk not thanks to him. As an example. Being so incredibly uncritically impressed by what seems to be for musks words or just lending such worth to an awful, narcissistic, dishonest person as Musk, or just corporations in general isn’t exactly setting the best example for the youth to be honest. It’s always surprising to hear you being so awestruck by him when you always seem to be so with it and intelligent except for when it comes to him for some reason. It’s weird.

  10. It _just now_ hit me how absolutely world-changing it will be when SpaceX can provide reliable refuelling in orbit. This is so much more imminently achievable than any of the loftier ambitions that get all the press, and once they pull it off? Forget Mars, forget even the Moon: I believe _that_ is the innovation future historians will look upon as the moment in time we as a species broke free of the shackles of Earth’s gravity well.


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